Add Power Button to the Right-Click Context Menu in Windows

9:07 AM alireza 0 Comments

Add Power Button to the Right-Click Context Menu in Windows


If you want to restart or turn off your computer only with 2 clicks you can do it by using this simple registry code tweak that works both on windows 7 and 8 and 10.

1-Copy and paste following into Notepad and save as “name” .reg
(or you can download Power Options registry file and extract the downloaded file to your desktop.)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Created by Vishal Gupta for
;Thanks to AskVG reader leomate for sharing Hybrid Shutdown shortcut
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Power Menu]
"MUIVerb"="Power Menu"
@="Rundll32 User32.dll,LockWorkStation"
@="Log Off"
@="Shutdown -l"
@="Switch User"
@="rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep"
@="Shutdown -h"
@="Shutdown -r -f -t 00"
@="Shut Down"
@="Shutdown -s -f -t 00"
@="Shut Down (Hybrid)"
@="Shutdown -s -f -t 00 -hybrid"

2. To add the power options double click on the file Add Power Menu.reg on the registry Editor Windows click Yes to the warning.
Add Power Menu 1

3. Now click Ok when it says that the power menu is installed successfully.

Add Power Menu 2
4. Now right click on an empty space at your desktop and click on Power Menu to open the power options.
Add Power Menu 3

NOTE: To remove power menu repeat the same process but instead click on Remove Power Menu from the downloaded file.